Community Health Programs
What is Community Paramedicine?
It’s a simple concept: Connect underutilized resources to underserved populations. In this case, we’re expanding the roles of EMS workers to provide health services where access to physicians, clinics and/or hospitals is difficult or may not exist. The Community Paramedic Program is organic. It exists for the sole purpose of serving the needs of our community.
Our mission: To increase the health and well being of the citizens of Eagle County by mobilizing care, addressing gaps along the healthcare continuum and connecting people to the services they need.
Our Goals:
- Address gaps along the healthcare continuum in the Eagle River Valley.
- Increase access to care; decrease barriers to care and provide care in an equitable manner to all.
- Act as extenders of care for all healthcare providers in the community, creating a whole-person approach to health.
- Connect people to the resources they need to achieve healthy outcomes and increased quality of life.
- To create a fully integrated mobile healthcare system in Eagle County

Check out our 2024 dashboard for more information on the reasons our community paramedics are visiting patients:
Similar initiatives in the United States and around the world have generated remarkable results. Today’s Community Paramedic Program combines all of the best practices and lessons learned from these programs.

All ECPS community paramedics are board certified by the International Board of Specialty Certifications (IBSC) and are endorsed by the State of Colorado as Community Paramedics. The Colorado standards for Community Paramedic license endorsement exceeds national standards.